This is a study that I wrote for a
close friend and I to go over together on the parable of the sower. A couple of
weeks later, one of the men in our bible study led us through a very similar
study on the same passage, then a couple of days ago my husband and I started
talking about the parable of the sower. I felt that I grew from all of these
discussions, so I thought I would post the study I wrote and see if others did
Read Matthew 13:1-9, 13:18-23
What things about God or parts of God’s word do
you not understand that may be holding you back?
What Worldly things hold you back from Christ?
When you have an exciting moment (i.e. a time when you are on fire for God or
have a “spiritual high”), what makes you eventually go back to your old ways?
What are some areas in your life that take over?
What do you think about the most?
What takes the most time in your life?
What do you spend the most money on?
What do you worry about the most?
Who are some people that drag you down?
How can you bear more fruit in your life? How
can you deepen your roots in Christ? How can you understand God’s word better?
How can you make a lasting change?
Read Romans 1:25. Worship involves our entire life. WHO is
on the throne of your life (you?)?
Read Romans 8:1 (Read Romans 8 at home by yourself and
really try to understand it)
Read Matthew 13:44
Read Proverbs 9:10
Side note: one thing that my husband mentioned that I hadn’t
really thought about was that the same seed was sown every time. So glad our
God is the same yesterday, today, and forever!
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