Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Work it Wednesday: Motivation!

What motivates you?
As far as fitness goals, here are some things that motivate me:
-My health.

-Pain: I get back and neck pain pretty constantly, and I find that when I warm up my muscles with working out, and so stretching, yoga, and foam roll I feel waaaaayyyy better

-Pinterest: follow me on pinterest to see workouts and get some fitspiration :). Here are other great fitness inspired people/boards to follow: Appetite for Health, Jenna (Eat, live, run), Integrative Nutrition, Nike Women

-I have a meal plan stuck to my fridge that I love. And it is a great reminder when I open my fridge.

-Apps. I have the nike plus and nike training club app. If you like to run or want to try, I strongly recommend nike Plus. it is an app that tracks your running progress, and it has a GPS too!! I have been loving the Nike Training Club app lately too. It has tooooonnnnnnsss of workouts that walk you through each exercise, times you, tracks your progress, allows your music to play during the workout, and you get to unlock rewards like recipes and famous athlete's workout routines.

-These: Nuff Said

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